Contributions Form

The Edison Tech Center remains committed to its three part mission of:
1. Inspiring
young people and students to discover the satisfying career of engineering
2. Preserving the legacy
of past inventors and engineers through interviews, documentaries, bios, and other forms of communication along with on-site displays
3. Create understanding and appreciation
of what improvements engineers have made in everyone's daily life.

Contribution Form (Please print, fill out, and mail with a check)

Edison Tech Center (Edison Exploratorium)
P.O. Box 1417 Schenectady, NY 12301-1417
Telephone: (518) 372-8425 Fax: (518) 346-0560

We are a qualified tax exempt 501c3 corporation(14-1833387)

IRS note: We recently changed our name from Edison Exploratorium to Edison Tech Center. If you wish to use your donation for tax deductions make sure you list both our current name and former name "Edison Exploratorium Inc." on your annual filing forms. The IRS has been slow to make changes on their side. You can see our listing is in good standing as a public charity on their website here.


Eligible for GE Matching Funds ___yes ___no


Phone:______________________ Email:___________________________________

Amount Enclosed____________

Are you ordering any DVDs? Price: $30 for 1 DVD and +$15 for each after that)
See our lists of DVDs: Oral History Program DVDs , Documentaries

Show Code:_________________ Show Subject/Title:________________________________________________



Edison Tech Center
P.O. Box 1417 Schenectady, NY 12301-1417
Telephone: (518) 372-8425
Fax: (518) 346-0560

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