Tour EL Answer
Sheet Name:_______________________________________Date:_________________________ |
Write in the letter from the multiple choice question. Module 1: Lighting Basics: 1._____
Module 2: Lamp types Part 1: The Arc Lamp 1._____ Part 2: The Incandescent Lamp 1._____ Part 3: The Nernst Lamp 1._____ Part 4: The Neon Lamp 1._____ Part 5: The Mercury Vapor Lamp 1._____ Part 6: Sodium Vapor Lamps 1._____ HPS video: |
Part 7: Fluorescent Lamps 1._____ Part 8: Halogen Lamps 1._____ Part 9: Electroluminescent Lamps 1._____ Part 10: LED and OLED Lamps 1._____ Part 11: Metal Halide Lamps 1._____ Part 12: Induction Lamps 1._____ |
Module 3: Final: Lamp Identification and Use Times Square: identify the
The best lamp for the job: |